
Refereed Full Archival Papers (Journals & Conference Proceedings)

What’s The Talk on VUI Guidelines? A Meta-Analysis of Guidelines for Voice User Interface Design

Christine Murad, Heloisa Candello, Cosmin Munteanu

International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 2023

“Voice-First Interfaces in a GUI-First Design World”: Barriers and Opportunities to Supporting VUI Designers On-the-Job

Christine Murad, Humaira Tasnim, Cosmin Munteanu

International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 2022

Finding a New Voice: Transitioning Designers from GUI to VUI Design

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, Benjamin R. Cowan, L. Clark

International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 2021

Designing Voice Interfaces: Back to the (Curriculum) Basics

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu

International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020

Revolution or Evolution? Speech Interaction and HCI Design Guidelines

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, Benjamin R. Cowan, L. Clark

IEEE pervasive computing, 2019

What Makes a Good Conversation?: Challenges in Designing Truly Conversational Agents

L. Clark, Nadia Pantidi, Orla Cooney, Philip R. Doyle, Diego Garaialde, Justin Edwards, Brendan Spillane, Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, V. Wade, Benjamin R. Cowan

International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019

Refereed Short Archival Papers

Alexa, How Do I Build a VUI Curriculum?

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu

International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 2020

Understanding and Supporting Academic Literature Review Workflows with LitSense

N. Sultanum, Christine Murad, Daniel J. Wigdor

International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2020

Tools to Support Voice User Interface Design

Christine Murad

International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 2019

"I don't know what you're talking about, HALexa": the case for voice user interface guidelines

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu

International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 2019

Effects of WER on ASR Correction Interfaces for Mobile Text Entry

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, W. Stuerzlinger

International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 2019

Design guidelines for hands-free speech interaction

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, L. Clark, Benjamin R. Cowan

MobileHCI Adjunct, 2018

Refereed Workshops and Tutorials

Conversational Voice Interfaces: Translating Research Into Actionable Design

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, Gerald Penn

CHI EA '24, Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2024

Is CUI Design Ready Yet? A Workshop on Community Practices and Gaps in CUI Design & Resource Development

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, Benjamin R. Cowan, L. Clark, Martin Porcheron, J. Fischer, Heloisa Candello, Raina Langevin

International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 2023

Working with Trouble and Failures in Conversation between Humans and Robots (WTF 2023) & Is CUI Design Ready Yet?

Frank Förster, Marta Romeo, Patrick Holthaus, Maria J. Galvez Trigo, Joel E. Fischer, Birthe Nesset, C. Dondrup, Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, Benjamin R. Cowan, L. Clark, Martin Porcheron, Heloisa Candello, Raina Langevin, 2023

Let’s Talk About CUIs: Putting Conversational User Interface Design Into Practice

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, Benjamin R. Cowan, L. Clark, Martin Porcheron, Heloisa Candello, Stephan Schlögl, M. Aylett, Jaisie Sin, Robert J. Moore, Grace Hughes, Andrew Ku

CHI Extended Abstracts, 2021

CUI@IUI: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in Intelligent Conversational User Interface Interactions

Philip R. Doyle, D. Rough, Justin Edwards, Benjamin R. Cowan, L. Clark, Martin Porcheron, Stephan Schlögl, M. I. Torres, Cosmin Munteanu, Christine Murad, Jaisie Sin, Minha Lee, M. Aylett, Heloisa Candello

IUI Companion, 2021

CUI: Conversational User Interfaces: A Workshop on New Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives for Researching Speech-based Conversational Interactions

Cosmin Munteanu, L. Clark, Benjamin R. Cowan, Stephan Schlögl, M. I. Torres, Justin Edwards, Christine Murad, M. Aylett, Martin Porcheron, Heloisa Candello, Philip R. Doyle, Jaisie Sin

IUI Companion, 2020

CUI@CHI: Mapping Grand Challenges for the Conversational User Interface Community

Heloisa Candello, Cosmin Munteanu, L. Clark, Jaisie Sin, M. I. Torres, Martin Porcheron, Chelsea M. Myers, Benjamin R. Cowan, J. Fischer, Stephan Schlögl, Christine Murad, S. Reeves

CHI Extended Abstracts, 2020

CUI@CSCW: Collaborating through Conversational User Interfaces

Martin Porcheron, L. Clark, Matt Jones, Heloisa Candello, Benjamin R. Cowan, Christine Murad, Jaisie Sin, M. Aylett, Minha Lee, Cosmin Munteanu, J. Fischer, Philip R. Doyle, Joseph Kaye

CSCW Companion, 2020

Mapping Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives for Understanding Speech Interface Interactions

L. Clark, Benjamin R. Cowan, Justin Edwards, Cosmin Munteanu, Christine Murad, M. Aylett, Roger K. Moore, Jens Edlund, Éva Székely, P. Healey, N. Harte, Ilaria Torre, Philip R. Doyle

CHI Extended Abstracts, 2019

Refereed Workshop Papers

Teaching for Voice: The State of VUI Design in HCI Education

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu

Proceedings of EduCHI ’19 Symposium, 2019

Hey Computer, Can We Hit the Reset Button on Speech?

Benett Axtell, Christine Murad, Benjamin R Cowan, Cosmin Munteanu, Leigh Clark, Phillip Doyle

Proceedings of the SIGCHI 2018 Workshop on Voice-based Conversational UX Studies and Design, 2018, p. 6

Designing Accessible Conversational Interfaces for Older Adults: The Case for New Usability Guidelines

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu

In Proceedings of the CSCW 2018 Workshop on Accessible Voice Interfaces, 2018