About Me

I am a PhD Candidate in Computer Science at the University of Toronto, supervised by Dr. Cosmin Munteanu. I completed my Honours B.Sc in Computer Science (2017) (with a minor in Sociology), and my MSc in Computer Science (2019) from the University of Toronto.

My research involves exploring the design of conversational voice interfaces and the development of design heuristics and tools to assist designers in VUI design.

I am an incoming Post-Doctoral Fellow at Carleton University for Fall 2024, and am also currently a Research Associate at the University of Waterloo, in the Technologies for Aging Gracefully lab, where I am working on Usable Privacy for voice-based IoT agents for older adults.

I am a founding member of the ACM Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) Steering Committee since its inception in 2019. 


Christine Murad

PhD Candidate

Department of Computer Science

University of Toronto