I earned my PhD (2024) and MSc (2019) in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, supervised by Dr. Cosmin Munteanu. I completed my Honours B.Sc (2017) in Computer Science from the University of Toronto as well.
My research looks at the usability and design of conversational voice interfaces, and the development of different tools and resources to aid designers in CUI & VUI design and education – with a particular focus on the development of design guidelines. My research also explores how to bridge the industry-academia gap in CUI & VUI design, and how to improve knowledge transfer between the two.
I’ve published CUI research and organized CUI workshops across several international SIGCHI venues such as CHI, IUI, MobileHCI, CSCW, CUI, etc. I’ve been part of the CUI steering committee since its inception in 2019.
Professional & Committee Roles
Conversational User Interfaces Steering Committee (2019 - Present)
Conversational User Interfaces Organizing Committee (2020-Present)
- Workshops Track Co-Chair (2024)
- Provocations Track Co-Chair (2023)
- Demos Track Co-Chair (2022)
- Showcases Track Co-Chair (2020-2021)
Associate Chair (Understanding People – Qualitative Methods Subcommittee) (CHI 2023-2024)
Conversational User Interfaces Program Committee (2019 - 2022)
Graphics Interface Program Committee (2020)
- Reviewer for SIGCHI conferences (CHI, MobileHCI, CSCW, CUI, GI, DIS) (2018 - Present)