Translating GUI Heuristics into VUI Heuristics

Masters Thesis Research

  • Exploring the design of conversational voice interfaces, and the development of design guidelines and heuristics to improve conversational voice interaction
  • Exploring how GUI heuristics can be used as a baseline to adapt and develop new, VUI-based heuristics that can be adopted by industry designers
  • Conducted cognitive walkthroughs, heuristic evaluations, and brainstorming sessions with user interface experts to brainstorm different types of existing VUI issues in Google Home and Amazon Echo, and to brainstorm potential new guidelines


Finding a New Voice: Transitioning Designers from GUI to VUI Design

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, Benjamin R. Cowan, L. Clark

International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 2021

"I don't know what you're talking about, HALexa": the case for voice user interface guidelines

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu

International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 2019

Revolution or Evolution? Speech Interaction and HCI Design Guidelines

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, Benjamin R. Cowan, L. Clark

IEEE pervasive computing, 2019

Design guidelines for hands-free speech interaction

Christine Murad, Cosmin Munteanu, L. Clark, Benjamin R. Cowan

MobileHCI Adjunct, 2018